Testimonials - New Wings

Customer Testimonials

‘New Wings’ is focused on results and has had the distinct pleasure of helping clients in a variety of industries overcome the issues that slowed and sometimes prevented outright success. Here’s what some of them had to say about us:

Vikram T
Fantastic Training center which you can show on your CV, You can ask questions, real-time practice anytime. Even for the placement & interview training by faculties are really well. I am one of them who did course from New wings rather I would say my Wings. Thanks for excellent support of Aparna whose teaching & guidance helped me to improve my career.
Associate Professor - PES University
It is very professional and hands-on training. The trainer is extremely responsive and knowledgeable on the topics covered. I would recommend NEW WINGS IT  to anyone who is looking for quality, hands-on training on these latest technologies. 
Enjoyed thoroughly this opportunity to reflect. Certainly all development workers would benefit from it
Aqueedat Khan
Enjoyed thoroughly this opportunity to reflect. Certainly all development workers would benefit from it
Rashmi Malviya
Cloud Admin - WIPRO Pvt. Ltd.
The train methodology and the delivery was excellent. Someone who is new to Cloud and AWS will become cloud enabled after this training.
Cloud Admin - Cognizant
The best place to learn Cloud Computing technologies. Trainers at NEW WINGS IT have in depth knowledge about the subject. The way they explain is too good. They give personal attention to all candidates and keep the sessions interactive. 
Bilal Khan
The training was very inspirational, energizing, bringing lots of ideas, with both substantial and in-depth knowledge together with case studies, learning from experience and being fully practice-oriented.Well-balanced composition of participants, which contributed to interesting and focused discussions and exchanges.