Red Hat OpenStack Administration III (CL310)

Learn to deploy, manage, and configure storage and OpenStack The Red Hat OpenStack Administration III (CL310) course provides extensive hands-on training for experienced system administrators in how to use the distributed storage features of Red Hat® Ceph Storage and the networking capabilities of OpenStack® Neutron. Students will set up a Ceph environment and its configuration as a back end for OpenStack, and configure and use the advanced features of OpenStack Neutron.

  • Unit 1.Introduction to Red Hat Ceph Storage
    Introduce Red Hat Ceph Storage architecture, components, and attributes.
  • Unit 2.Describe Red Hat Ceph Storage components and features
    Describe the components and features of Red Hat Ceph Storage.
  • Unit 3.Deploy and access Red Hat Ceph Storage
    Create snapshots and clones for Red Hat Ceph Storage.
  • Unit 4.Create snapshots and clones
    Manage snapshots and clones of a Ceph Block Device (RBD).
  • Unit 5.Ceph with the Glance Image service
    Integrate Ceph with the Glance image service, the Cinder block storage service, and the Nova compute service.
  • Unit 6.Introduce networking fundamentals
    Explain standard networking concepts and OpenStack Neutron networking concepts and services.
  • Unit 7.Implement virtual bridging
    Install and manage virtual network bridges.
  • Unit 8.Implement virtual network devices
    Create and deploy virtual network devices.
  • Unit 9.Implement network namespaces
    Manage network interfaces manually (using the ip command) and persistently.
  • Unit 10.Manage neutron services
    Verify and manage the configuration of Neutron networking service.
  • Unit 11.Provisioning project networks
    Provision project networks using VXLAN tunnels, GRE tunnels, and VLANs.
  • Unit 12.Implementing load-balancer-as-a-service (LBaaS)
    Implement LbaaS.
  • Unit 13.Troubleshoot Neutron networking services
    Diagnose and troubleshoot issues with the Neutron networking service.
  • Unit 14.Comprehensive Review
    Review tasks from the Red Hat OpenStack III course.

This course is intended to develop the skills needed to troubleshoot and manage the life cycle of a private cloud. Control of the life cycle is important for organizations seeking to manage costs according to their own schedule, and having advanced administrators reduces downtime.

As a result of attending this course, students should be able to manage the life cycle of Red Hat OpenStack Platform.

RHCE Open Stack on RHEL7 consist of only module:

  • CL310 – Red Hat Open Stack Administration

Regular Track: Course Duration: 4 days (6 Hrs. /Day)

Experienced Linuxsystem administrators responsible for managing OpenStack environments who want to learn to configure scalable and distributed storage as a storage back end for OpenStack

Have earned the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE®) certification or equivalent experience

Have earned the Red Hat Certified System Administrator in Red Hat OpenStack certification or have equivalent experience

Have taken Red Hat OpenStack Administration II (CL210) course

New Wings IT Solutions offers a method of training that is convenient to you – classroom, online, or at your site.