Computer Hardware & Networking
A+ N+ certification is essential for candidates interested in starting their career in computer support domain. Today, this credential not only validates essential entry-level IT skills including computer repairing, operating systems, network administration and information security, but is becoming a qualifying factor in the hiring process.
Nowadays in most IT companies, A+ N+ certification has become a mandatory hiring requirement for a variety of entry-level IT positions. Hence, obtaining the necessary A+ N+ training is a distinctive step towards a dream job. This certification is also a requirement for advanced certification of leading Microsoft, Cisco, IBM and HP technology.
Course Outline
Computer Hardware A+ Syllabus
Computer H/W Architecture & Troubleshooting
- The fundamentals of Computer
- Assembling and configuring a PC
- Processor types & Diff between 32 & 64 bit arch.
- Keyboard, Mouse, System Start Up, BIOS Setting
- Memory, Storage Devices management:(HDD & FDD)
- Motherboards & Power Supply (SMPS)
- Study on Notebook and Laptop architecture
- Parallel Ports and Serial port configuration
- Configuring modem for internet connectivity
- Configuring USB Port & Optical Storage Device
- Troubleshooting
Operating System
- Boot Process & Basic Unix Command
- MS-Windows XP / Win 7 Insta. & Upgrade
- Troubleshooting system startup and user logons
- User /Group Administration and profile mgmt.
- Printers & Scanners configuration
- Disk Clean Up, Disk Defragmentation
- Device Manager & Event Viewer
- Control Panel Setting in Windows
- Software Installation & Uninstallation
- Windows Services & Windows Registry
- Windows Troubleshooting
Software Application support
- Win XP desktop & Built-in applications Support
- IE, Outlook Express & Remote Assistance
- Online Security & Firewall
- Printer Installation, Sharing & Troubleshooting
Computer Hardware N+ Syllabus
Network Fundamentals
- Wireless network configuration, Remote Admin
- File Sharing in N/W & Remote desktop, Messenger
- Antivirus & Its online scanning tools.
- Backup, Recovery
Networking Essentials
- Network Definition & Networking Models
- Network Addressing
- Establishing a Connection & Reliable Delivery.
- Network Connectivity
- The OSI Model
- Ethernet, Network Resources.
- Token Ring/IEEE 802.5, FDDI
- TCP/IP Utilities DNS, DHCP & WINS
- Introduction to IPX/SPX & IPv6
- Network LAN Infrastructure
- IP Routing & Routing Tables
- Router Discovery Protocols
- Virtual LANs (VLANs)
- The WAN Environment & Connectivity devices
- Voice Over Data Services
- Remote Networking & Remote Access Protocols
- VPN Technologies
- Introduction to Network Security
- Virus Protection
- Local Security & Internet Security
- Network Access & Disaster Recovery Plan
- Data Backups & Fault tolerance
- Clustering , NAS & SAN
- Network Troubleshooting