Oracle DBA 1 / 2 - New Wings

Oracle DBA 1 / 2 

Introduction, Basics & Overview of Oracle and Oracle DBA 

Linux Setup on (Oracle VM) Virtual Machine 

o Setting up a VM (Virtual Machine) 

o Importing Linux Image into VM 

o Linux Commands – Example (PS, ls, top, df and many more) as required for DBA

Installing Oracle Database Server on Linux VM 

o Installing Oracle 18c XE DB via rpm 

o Setting bash profiles 

o Working with Listeners, Tnsnames.ora & Listener.ora files 

Understanding Oracle Database Architecture 

o Architectural Components 

o Background Processes 

o Memory structures like SGA, PGA, shared pool, large pool and many more

Understanding Oracle Database Instance 

o PFILE, SPFILE and parameter changes 

o DB startup and shutdown modes 

o Alert.log, dictionary views and dynamic performance views 

Understanding Database Storage Structures 

o Blocks 

o Extents 

o Segments 

Table space Management 

o Introduction to Table space 

o Table space Creation 

o Managing Data files 

o Undo Table space 

o Temp Table space 

Creating Database 

o Updating server files 

o Mapping Database Instance 

o Mapping Table spaces 

o Mapping users 

o Setting up privileges 

Using Database 

o Table Creation 

o CRUD Operations 

o Table Management

Administering User Security and Resources 

o Creating Users, Roles etc. 

o Assigning Roles 

o Managing Profiles 

Managing Data Concurrency 

o Understanding Object and Row locking 

o Simulating locking Scenario, Detecting and Resolving it via SQL scripts

Backup and Recovery 

o Types of backups: Hot and Cold 

o RMAN Backups 

o Putting DB in Archive log modes 

o Restoring DB from RMAN backup 

Data Export / Import 

o SQL Loader 

o Export (and taking backups with export) 

o Export Data pump 

Misc. Topics 

o db links 

o dbms_scheduler 

SQL Tuning (Performance Enhancements) 

o Explain Plan 

o DBMS_STATS – Gathering statistics via Oracle supplied package DBMS_STATS o Creating Appropriate Indexes 

o Table Re-Organization 


o Types of Partitioning schemes 

o Table Partitioning, Table space Partitioning etc. 

o Understanding Effect of Partitioning 

o Listing Partitions 

Instance Tuning & AWR Reports 

o Understanding AWR reports 

o AWR vs. ASH reports 

o Generating AWR reports 

o Reading AWR reports 

Tuning Advisors 

o SQL query tuning advisor 

o Memory advisors: SGA, PGA, Database Buffer cache advisors 

o Automatic Database Diagnostics Monitor (ADDM) reports 

Certification Preparation 

Interview Prepare Sessions